Pro Program Information

Who is eligible for the Peppermint Pro Program?

Our pro program is designed for Cycling and outdoor industry professionals including guides and instructors, employees of cycling gear companies, Peppermint retailer employees, athletes, first responders, and active military personnel. The program is always under review, and qualification is dependent on full-time employment within the listed industries and professions.

Membership in our pro program is not guaranteed, regardless of past affiliations with Peppermint or other connections. We require that you send us  proof of your qualifications, including valid guide licenses, membership cards, proof of employment, or similar. Pro program status is valid for one year, and requires annual recertification through a new application.


How to Apply

  1.  Create a Peppermint customer account.THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION.
  2. Submit your pro request via email at


*Information we need to accept your request:

  1. The object  of your email must be: Peppermint pro Application / First name, Last name
  2. *Company/team/organization you are part of
  3. Specify in which Pro-category you are in from the list below
    • Bicycle or outdoor industy folks
    • Coaches / instructors
    • Bike shop employee
    • Volunteer at races
    • Member of a cycling club
    • Other (Specify)
  1. Attachments (proof of your qualifications)

Your application will be reviewed by our team and you will receive a response within 5 business day

Pro Program Rules

  1. Pro purchase is for personal use only. You may not purchase products for friends, family, or co-workers. Peppermint reserves the right to revoke membership at any time if it appears that a member is abusing pro program benefits
  2. Pro purchase is limited to a total value of $2000 MSRP per year. Violation of this limit will result in removal from the program.
  3. Be discreet about your pro discount. Do not share, discuss, or advertise your pro affiliation.
  4. Products purchased from Peppermint using your pro program benefits are not eligible for returns, exchanges, or credit at this time.
  5. Pro program discount, between 30% et 50% according to the pro category
  6. We Offer Free Shipping On All Orders Over $150.Order Under $150 Have A Flat $10 Shipping Rate.
  7. Specific products may be excluded from discount, and the pro discount may vary based on product and category.


  • IMPORTANT: Membership in the Peppermint Pro Program is for personal use only, and Peppermint reserves the right to revoke membership at any time if it appears that a member is abusing their program benefits. (i.e. Purchasing products for others)

    I accept the Terms of Use of I understand that any item purchased on OUTLET or SAMPLES is neither exchangeable nor refundable, unless the item received is defective or does not match its description on the website.

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